COVID-X Outreach Material is essential for executing both communication and dissemination plans of the project. It is designed and addressed for specified target audiences that are direct or indirect beneficiaries of the COVID-X Program. These target audiences include Tech Companies providing data or AI solutions tackling COVID-19, Healthcare providers that implement the exponential innovation in the care process of coronavirus patients as well as all related European, national and local networks of
eHealth SMEs and of Healthcare organizations.
COVID-X Outreach material includes a set communication tools, essentially a common methodology for promotion, a set of specific digital channels and branded promotional material available online and offline. In addition, it includes specific elements used for dissemination, namely project materials, digital resources as well as events.
This document details all outreach tools created during the first project month and how these contribute to implement the dissemination and communication plans. These tools are living elements that are continuously adapted and refined as COVID-X Program moves forwards, taking also into
account in the changing project context, notably the European coronavirus situation.
The deliverable 3.1 is available in this link.