The COVID-X Acceleration programme offers business mentoring sessions for all the SMEs selected in the programme under the Open Call 1. And we are delighted to share a new piece of these mentoring sessions with You!
On the 8th of November, we had an interesting session helping to map the stakeholders and risks and this topic was presented by Henrik L. Ibsen, from Open Telehealth. This webinar focused on identifying who is crucial to the success of the business, understanding their drivers…And how to leverage the superpowers. During the session, the participants also acquire an understanding of how to identify the biggest threats on business, learn all about these, and how to nerf their impact on the business.
If you are keen in learning about stakeholders and risk, listen to our online webinar and discover that stakeholders are people, businesses are vectors, organisations are landscape!
- Enjoy your listening, COVID-X Team
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