22.06.2021. This is the first COVID-X OC#2 webinar.
COVID-X Open Call #2 is now open! In today´s webinar, an overview of the project has been addressed, and the acceleration program was explained. Likewise, a tour of the application process was carried out, and participants’ queries were also resolved.
COVID-X Programme, supported by the European Commission under Horizon2020 programme, funds European companies and healthcare providers to boost 30+ data-driven solutions to the markets to overcome clinical challenges in diagnosis, prognosis, and follow-up. The funding is invested in solutions with TRL 7+ and [or in the process of] CE marking, covering two profiles: single solution (EU tech SMEs / Start-Ups) validating their solutions at one of COVID-X pilot sites; or team solution (Tech provider bringing in a healthcare provider that will validate the solution).
In addition to the direct funding, the COVID-X Programme provides the top-ranked solutions access in a tailored acceleration programme organized in 3 sprints of 3 months each. These include technical coaching, business mentoring sessions as well as support in ethical issues and piloting with healthcare organizations. This 10-month programme targets to boost the quick market uptake to defeat COVID-19 with data solutions.
To attract top-notch solutions meeting the set selection criteria, the Open Call#2 has a two-stage application process: In the first stage, the applicant’s eligibility and alignment with the selection criteria are assessed. All eligible applications access the 2nd stage where the complete application form with detailed information about the solution & implementation is required.
The COVID-X Programme Open Call #1 closed on 27.1.2021 gathering 112 applications from data technology companies and healthcare providers coming from 29 different countries in Europe and beyond. 16 single and team solutions were selected.
The Open Call#2 application is now open in this link and the deadline for the first stage will be on the 22nd of July 2021. (17:00PM CEST).
Jun 23rd 12:00pm CEST – COVID-X Technical Infrastructure Overview (30 min) , Q&A (30 min)
Jun 24th 12:00pm CEST – COVID-X Clinical partners & datasets (30 min) , Q&A (30 min)
Jul 13th 12:00pm CEST – COVID-X and Open Call 2, Application and selection Overview (30 min) , Q&A (30 min)