Get to know more about ⚡️AIDE-X⚡️ within the #COVIDXSuccessStories! Don’t miss out on our #GameChangersInterviews!
What is the solution about?
➡️AIDE-X is a software leveraging artificial intelligence to provide early diagnosis of Covid-19, given X-ray images. The software should allow a better triage of patients coming to ER, thus leading to better use of resources in intensive care units (ICUs)
What did you achieve?
➡️We validated the solution using the covid-x dataset, and obtained classification performances in line with our KPs (sensitivity >=0.8, precision >=0.8, accuracy >=0.8) for 3 class-classification (covid-pneumonia, no pneumonia and other pneumonia).
Who are the end users of the technology?
➡️ Radiologists
Let us know the impact on society and patients
➡️The ability to recognize the different types of pneumonia early will allow a more tempest treatment of the patient with reduced recovery in ICUs.
Give us a hint about the learnings from the COVID-X programme
➡️We learnt the most critical steps that, starting from a successful idea, lead to the development of a product
How was your experience within COVID-X?
➡️“COVID-X Programme has been a good learning experience and increased my motivation to work in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, we have met interesting individuals with whom we may have future collaborations” J. Prada – Head of Machine Learning Sigesa
What was the part you enjoyed the most about the COVID-X programme?
➡️I appreciated the fact of being able to see both the technical and business-related activities that lead to the creation of a product, especially for the latter on which we were more lacking
#COVIDXSuccessStories #GameON #DataVsCovid #TheCovidX